Subject: Re: 1.6_BETA1 and VMWare
To: Urban Boquist <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/17/2002 16:15:01
* Urban Boquist <> [020617 14:05]:
> Arto Huusko> I get:
> Arto Huusko>> Starting vmnetif /dev/vmnet1: Bad file descriptor
> I remember this error, it should be fixed by the patches in
> pkgsrc/emulators/vmware-module. Did you install from pkgsrc or the
> original modules by fvdl?
> Rasputin> Works Ok under current for me (batters the disks though).
> That's weird. I had VMware running extremely well for me about half a
> year ago, but now whenever I try to power on a virtual machine it just
> loops. This is with a week old -current or so, and vmware-modules
> newly rebuilt. Which Suse libraries are you using?
1rasputin@idoru:eterm$ pkg_info|grep suse
suse_base-7.3 Linux compatibility package
suse_x11-7.3nb2 Linux compatibility package for X11 binaries
suse_vmware-7.3 Linux compatibility package to support running VMware
suse_compat-7.3 Linux compatibility package with old shared libraries
suse_gtk-7.3 Linux compatibility package for GTK binaries
Running current from a couple of weeks back, kernel is:
1rasputin@idoru:eterm$ uname -a
NetBSD 1.6A NetBSD 1.6A (IDORU) #2: Fri Jun 14 12:29:00 BST 2002 i386
How does it loop? I got lockups when it starts - quite nasty actually, about
the time it probes for the realtime clock - but after about a minute
it continues to boot.
(This is a with guest os = win98, 64Mb for the VM, 2Gb virtual disk.
Host machine is a Celeron 333 w/ 256Mb)
> I wonder if this may be related to the other problems some people are
> having with linux emulation currently? I tried disabling the linux
> getdents64(), but that didn't seem to help.
Don't know, I assumed the '64' meant it didn't apply to me :)
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns