Subject: Re: L2 cache
To: Matt Herzog <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/19/2002 15:16:40
Matt Herzog <> writes:
> I'm considering upgrading my K6-2 400 to a K6-3 450
> Should I save up for a fast Duron system instead?
Right now, the computer shop across the street sells things about five
times faster than a K6-3 for $400. Unless you're desperately poor, I'd
get a much more modern processor than a K6-3 -- and as much memory as
you can afford, as if your concern is building the tree, you'll find
that enough memory to hold the compiler and a bunch of your sources
will lower your I/O rates significantly (especially under 1.6) and
will improve speed a lot. Without enough memory, disk I/O will kill
you before a slow processor.
Perry E. Metzger
NetBSD: The right OS for your embedded design.