Subject: FW: X and tnt2
To: None <>
From: Nicolas Saurbier <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/26/2002 16:13:11
Hi all,
I=B4ve got a problem with my X. I=B4m using a tnt2 and tryed to install
the nvidia drivers, but it didn=B4t work. How can I use the tnt2?
What do I have to choose in "xf86config"? accellerated servers?
Please help
With kind regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Nicoals Saurbier
Technical Support / Developement Assistant
Biodata Systems GmbH
Industriepark Nord
Otto-Stoelker Strasse 21P
35066 Frankenberg
Telefon: +49(6451) 23 02 - 0
Fax: +49(6451) 23 02 - 109