Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Re: How do I dual boot Linux on second hard drive=3F?=
To: Chris Wareham <>
From: David Wetzel <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/27/2002 14:02:53
Chris Wareham wrote:
> Linux are going to reside on the same drive, so how do
> I boot Linux when my primary drive already has NetBSD
> on it?
you could put the linux drive as primary on the second EIDE bus.
when you want to boot linux, you go to the bios setup and disable the first harddisk. then save and the machine should boot from the other drive.
_ _
_(_)(_)_ David Wetzel, Turbocat's Development,
(_) __ (_) Buchhorster Strasse 23, D-16567 Muehlenbeck/Berlin, FRG,
_/ \_ Fax +49 33056 82835 Phone +49 33056 82834