Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.6_BETA3 fails to build libc
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/28/2002 00:25:17 writes:
> >> have you run "make includes"? /usr/include/netdb.h needs to be in sync
> >> with libc source.
> >This is why one should always use make build or -- it
> >prevents accidents. Even experts fail on this sort of thing.
> maybe it's because libresolv advisory suggests "cvs update" only under
> lib/libc/net. i apologize. i wonder if i should suggest updating
> the whole tree instead.
Hmmm. I do not know. Right now the cvs server is overloaded. It would
be better to encourage people to do the minimum needed. Maybe just cvs
update of include and lib/libc/net...
Perry E. Metzger
"Ask not what your country can force other people to do for you..."