Subject: Re: pkgsrc's qmail is failing
To: Sam Carleton <>
From: Tomasz Luchowski <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/07/2002 00:24:18
On Sat, Jul 06, 2002 at 04:49:51PM -0400, Sam Carleton wrote:
> I am trying to install qmail via the pkgsrc. The build is failing
> because it clams not to be able to find the qmaild user. Does anyone
> have any thoughts on what the problem is? I captured all the output
> into a log file which I am attaching to this email.
> fatal: unable to find user qmaild
Something is borken. "qmail" package depends on "qmail-users" package,
which installs required users and groups. Please pkg_delete qmail-users
if you have one, remove qmail* users by hand, cvs update your pkgsrc/mail
and do a "make install" in "qmail". It will pull in the "qmail-users"
package which will install the users. I have no idea why it's failing
for you now, though.
/* Tomasz Luchowski <> */