Subject: Re: Startup Messages
To: None <>
From: Beaker <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/12/2002 07:39:18
> > So what ? I guess his point is that he doesn't want to see those
> > message during starting, can always type 'dmesg' when it runs when
> > we ask for one. So if he *ever* has any problems, he'll boot, type
> > dmesg, pipe that into some file, and send it to us, where's the
> > problem ?
> Except perhaps, for those cases that some problem stops the kernel
> from booting long before any sort of login terminal is up :-/
How 'bout this: The traditional boot up display that gets filtered to
produce some cool NetBSD logo - similar to this =>
. Of course, you should have the option to select - "traditional boot" so
its more readable.
Might be a good compromise!