Subject: Re: 3D acceleration (was: Setting up PPPoA for SpeedTouch ADSL)
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Rasputin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/13/2002 18:06:42
* Richard Rauch <> [020712 23:31]:
> [...]
> > > Is it the right way to solve the problem? I dunno.
> >
> > I'd say 'yes' as ISTR the FreeBSD KLD work pushed my framerate on a
> > Voodoo3 from ~ 2-3fps up to 40-odd.
> Well, OF COURSE hardware acceleration is desirable. (^& Getting there is
> the problem, and solving the problem is definitely good.
Sorry - I'm just saying the FreeBSD solution to the DRI problem gives
good results, and it's progressed even further since I last used it
> That's not the bit to which I said I didn't know the answer, though.
Did you mean keeping the kernel modules in an applications CVS tree,
then? Since both sides (kernelspace and userland) need to be maintained
along with drivers for new cards, it amkes sense to me - the driver
maintainer will know more about his/her particular card than a kernel
hacker would, I guess.... and provided the KLD/ LKM interfaces don't change
dramatically, it's fairly safe.
Not that I could write either a driver or LKM (yet), of course :)
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns