Subject: Re: DVD movies.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/20/2002 17:50:19
On Sat, 20 Jul 2002, Richard Rauch wrote:
> I didn't think to check, and no one told me that I noticed, but: Ogle
> doesn't build (or, presumably, run) on any release of NetBSD. (This fact
> should probably be put in the DESCR file for Ogle until 1.5.x is well and
> truly obsolete.)
> Is there any pkgsrc package that will do a good job of playing DVD movies
> without requiring me to upgrade my whole OS? Or should I just pack this
> drive back in its box and return it until sometime after I upgrade to 1.6?
"mplayer" builds and runs on NetBSD 1.5.2. To play most DVD's from
the drive, you must download and install (to root, with --prefix=/)
"libdvdcss-1.2.0" or newer (same as "ogle", were you to get it to
build). I'm told that "mplayer" also plays rips, which are already
decoded, but I wouldn't know where to get anything like that. ;-)
By the way, the "mplayer" FAQ explains that DRI has no benefit for
playing DVD's -- what matters is how fast you can dump raw bits, so
AGP *is* better than PCI, but the brand of card isn't critical.