Subject: Re: ATI AGP cards (was: Re: DVD movies.)
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Gerald C. Simmons <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/21/2002 06:56:23
On Sat Jul 20, 2002 Richard Rauch wrote:
> (With AGP cards as cheap as they are, there's no reason for me to buy
> another PCI card. I've just been delaying the switch to AGP because I
> couldn't really get much benefit from it. I figured that DRI would be the
> natural way to take advantage of a "real" video card.)
On the DRI note, for now it is better to go with and AGP card. I've tried to
get DRI under Linux / XFree86 4.1 to work for PCI cards, but can't seem to find
the right incantation. I think this is a known short coming of support for PCI
cards. I remember something about a special kernel interface needed to support
DRI, and it was there for AGP but not PCI. has some great write-ups on getting DRI to work. Also, Look under a well-known Graphics gane like Decent3 or
Quake. Go to the FAQs, and reference getting Hardware Acceleration to work.
Gerry Simmons