Subject: Re: DVD movies.
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/21/2002 16:47:19
> > When I start this up using mplayer, the ``xconsole'' window is filling (as
> > is dmesg, I'm sure) with thousands of these messages:
> >
> > cd1(pciide1:1:1): Check Condition on CDB: 0x28 00 00 03 cf 2e 00 00 01 00
> > SENSE KEY: Illegal Request
> > ASC/ASCQ: ASC 0x6f ASCQ 0x03
> If I'm interpreting this correctly, the drive is returning "Illegal
> Request" in response to a READ_BIG command (and the 0003cf2e is the
> block number it's trying to read). My guess is that without libdvdcss,
> the drive isn't allowing you to read anything. Definitely not sure about
> that though :)
It works after a very remote fashion with mplayer.
In default configuration, the video lags behind the audio. If I tell it
that it can drop frames, then the video runs ahead instead. It can't seem
to keep it synchronized with the options I've tried.
> > Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/pkg/lib/ogle/ogle_nav with pid 29209
> > Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/pkg/lib/ogle/ogle_mpeg_ps with pid 29210
> > Debug[ogle_ctrl]: Started /usr/pkg/lib/ogle/ogle_vout with pid 29211
> > libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.1 for DVD access
> > *ctrl: get_buffer, shmget failed: Invalid argument
> That doesn't look good... one thing I had to do to get ogle to work on
> my machine was to bump the "SHMMAXPGS" option in my kernel config... I
> think I changed it from its default of 1024 to 8192. However, I'm pretty
> sure I was getting some other error (Cannot allocate memory?) rather
> than "Invalid argument". As far as I can tell, there's no (easy) way to
> change that option without recompiling your kernel. I could be wrong
> though :)
> Also, try running the cli instead of the gui... the gui always crashes
It doesn't complain about shmget, but it still has the "*demux:
fill_buffer, no buffer".
The config file is an ugly, HTML-like thing. (What happened to lines of
the form <keyword>: <value>? (^&)
(And -framedrop *is* what I needed to make mplayer work well, it seems. I
forgot that I'd fudged -fps to a fake value before to see if that would
help; it was forcing the video ahead...(^&)
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''