Subject: updating to 1.5.3 from 1.5.3-Beta
To: None <>
From: Bjorn Schothuis <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/25/2002 21:52:42
Hello, Im trying to update netbsd 1.5.3-BETA to 1.5.3 with cvs but i'm running into some trouble.
I'm getting as far as:
root@gonzo /usr/src>cvs -q update -dP -rnetbsd-1-5
ssh: connect to address xxxxxxxxx port 11750: No route to host
Than its showing all the files it wants to update ending with
? usr.sbin/zdump/zdump.cat8
? usr.sbin/zic/.depend
? usr.sbin/zic/zic
? usr.sbin/zic/zic.cat8
For a long time nothing (seems) to happening (15 minutes or so)
And than it goes:
cvs [update aborted]: could not chdir to gnu/usr.bin/gdb/gdb: Not a directory
Write failed flushing stdout buffer.
write stdout: Broken pipe
I know the No route to host should point to something, but when I do a pkgsrc update with cvs it als says that, but than works fine.
the directory gnu/usr.bin/gdb/gdb does exist on my system. Any ideas on what might be going wrong or where I should look?