Subject: Re: another time package isos
To: None <>
From: joerch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/02/2002 15:05:11
> > that is clear, but if you want to install things like kde, are there
> > differences ?
> > i do not really know, if not then the packages only need some X and then
> > the libraries and headers are always the same.
> > and that i can not believe.
> No, the library and header between xfree 3.3.6 and xfree 4.x are not the
> same. These packages have been compiled with xfree 4.2.0 libraries, so
> you need to install xfree 4.2 to get them running.
this is what i thought.
xfree is up and running.
now i test some of the packages.
joerg "joerch" buechner
bis dann bis bald und danke fuer das unix