Subject: Re: cvsupd config
To: Piers Hearn <>
From: Christopher Vance <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/05/2002 13:35:33
On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 12:52:02PM +1000, Piers Hearn wrote:
: Ah that could be my problem. I wasn't too sure which server I should be
: trying to get working. I didn't realise cvs was both client and server. Ok
: then, what I want to be able to do is run cvs client on machine A to
: connect to machine B which has the NetBSD source tree on it. What do I need
: to do?
I had a cvs server set up a while ago, but pulled it down shortly
after because I didn't need it, and wasn't sure it was right.
Unfortunately, I can't find the instructions I followed. :-(
Maybe someone else can help?
If you're still stuck in a couple 'a days, let me know and I'll try
Christopher Vance