Subject: Re: First time network configuration
To: Joe Magee <>
From: Chris Lloyd <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/06/2002 17:29:45
On Tue, Aug 06, 2002 at 11:25:53AM -0500, Joe Magee wrote:
> Good Morning,
loey :)
> The install process allowed me to specify the adapter, IP address, and other
> parameters. However, the computer cannot communicate over the network.
Was the computer able to communicate over the network during the install?
> Investigating the documentation I found indicates I should have a file
> called /etc/ipconfig.XXX (where XXX is my NIC device name) and a file
> /etc/netstart. My system has neither of these files.
At the end of the install if you specified that netbsd should put network
configuration information into /etc then it will create these files for you.
I think you've got slightly old documentation, as far as I can remember
/etc/netstart has been replaced with /etc/rc.d/network as part of the new
modular startup system.
You can create /etc/ifconfig.XXX yourself, mine is called /etc/ifconfig.ex0
(since my ethernet adaptor is called ex0) (you can check this using 'dmesg').
The contents are:
inet up netmask 0xffffff00
you can look up the syntax of the ifconfig command with 'man ifconfig'.
> The documentation seems to assume my system already has those files. I would
> like to find a howto or other information on how to create or obtain those
> files and any others I may need to put this computer on my network. I am
> using static IP addresses and connect to the Internet through a router.
You'll need to put the IP address of your router into /etc/mygate
and then reboot (or type 'route add default <ipaddress>' if you don't want
to reboot.)
The documentation can be found in 'man ifconfig', 'man route'
- Chris