Subject: Re: First time network configuration
To: Andy R <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/06/2002 12:51:45
> (you can find the interface name by issuing dmesg |
> more and looking for it. It will be something like
> fxp0, ep0, ex0, whatever. If you have more than one
> card, it may have a 1 like ep1 or whatever)
Also look at "ifconfig -l" output. First one is probably the one you use.
> If you set all of this correctly and reboot, your
> machine should be on the network. However, in Unix we
> never reboot if we don't have to so you can do this to
> bring up the interface:
> ifconfig <interface name> inet <ipaddress> netmask
> <netmask>
Or run "/etc/rc.d/network start".
Jeremy C. Reed