Subject: Re: Paramaters for large drives?
To: Brian A. Seklecki <>
From: Rick Byers <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/14/2002 09:32:37
On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Brian A. Seklecki wrote:
> RB> I think I've got it working now, but I want to make sure I'm not totally
> RB> out to lunch here. Here's what I did:
> RB> - changed the geometry to increase the number of cylinders and decrease
> RB> the number of heads: 35556 cyl, 64 hd, 63 sec
> RB> The boot code is accessed by block number, so it shouldn't matter
> RB> that this doesn't match the BIOS geometry, right?
> RB> - use 8192/1024 bs/fs on all reasonably sized (<=6GB) slices
> ...there were a number of threads a few months ago about large drives (160
> gig was in question, you know the maxtor's). Let me see if I can dig them
> up.
Thanks. I went through my archives, and I did read that thread. I don't
think it was directly applicable to me though (although I must admit I
didn't read EVERY message - it was a long thread). The main discussion
topic was about some extended interface for addressing the extra blocks
beyond 100 GIG or so. Thats not the problem for me. I think a lot of
those big IDE drives report a geometry that is more favourable to NetBSD -
64 heads instead of the 255 heads I got. The only message I found that
was relevant to my problem (posted by Kevin Lahey on June 18th) had no
Interrestingly enough, when I changed the MBR and disklabel geometry of my
drive, the RAID BIOS somehow noticed and switched to reporting the
geometry I chose! Things appear to be working fine, although I haven't
done any performance testing.