Subject: Re: NoobQ: pkgsrc installed apps not working
To: None <>
From: Keith Mastin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/19/2002 04:03:08
>>First up, all packages will install by default into the /usr/pkg/ directory
>>structure, and secondly, to be able to run lynx (or anything else)
>>immediately after installing it, I suggest running rehash, which does this:
>>rehash Causes the internal hash table of the contents of the di-
>> rectories in the path variable to be recomputed. This is
>> needed if new commands are added to directories in the path
>> while you are logged in. This should only be necessary if
>> you add commands to one of your own directories, or if a
>> systems programmer changes the contents of a system direc-
>> tory.
>>And thirdly, you should need to do a make install to for the files to
>>actually be installed. AFAIK, a straight build will not actually install
>>the files.
>>Have fun!
>> Piers
>Thanx.... now, if only this was somewhere in the docs...
>I didn't need to do the make install. After a rehash, lynx worked fine.
>Thanks again. :)
... afterthought... is there a way to get the shell to echo back to stdout
after using lynx? After running lynx, the shell no longer echos... I'm
getting confused by all the itty bitty configurations I need to do here...
Thanks again.
Keith Mastin BeechTree Information Technology Services Inc.
137 Laird Drive Toronto M4G 3V5
(416)696-6070 Fax(416)696-6072