Subject: Re: Architecture
To: None <>
From: joerch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 08/31/2002 16:03:35
On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 02:38:01PM +0200, Broadbent Peter Ray wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently downloaded the 1.5.3 ISO's, and the 1.5.3/i386 directories, as
> there is no installation disk (ISO) for 1.5.3. I am also looking to install
> NetBSD on a MIPS based architecture, but I can't seem to find which
> directory will contain the most current MIPS version.
> I refer to the following directory:
i think we all know the banner, so stop posting things like this.
there is no 1.5.3 iso for i386, but look here and read:
it works ! tested it here !
what mips machine ? go to the search field on the left side and type mips,
klick search and read.
thats all folks.
joerg "joerch" buechner