Subject: Re: openldap
To: None <>
From: Keith Mastin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/04/2002 23:44:15
>On Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Keith Mastin wrote:
>> ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server
>> ps shows no slapd server running. There was no error when starting the
>> server, so I assume that I don't need to add a slapd=YES line to rc.conf,
>> do I?
>No; rc.conf is only for the rc.d scripts. Since you are running manually,
>it doesn't use that.
>> Any ideas?
>Well, try running slapd through ktrace: "ktrace /usr/local/libexec/slapd".
>Then "kdump | less" and see why it ends.

   bash-2.05# ktrace /usr/local/libexec/slapd
   bash-2.05# "kdump | less

I take it something is really missing here. Someone else suggested it 
could be ldap.conf (which is empty), but since it isn't mentioned at 
all in the quickstart guide up to the point where a first connection to 
the server is done to run a check, I think it might be preliminary to 
assume that would be it, no? Not unless the ldap.conf file is supposed to 
be populated but isn't.... 

Thanks Jeremy.

Keith Mastin       BeechTree Information Technology Services Inc.
137 Laird Drive    Toronto    M4G 3V5
  (416)696-6070      Fax(416)696-6072