Subject: Re: how to get bind9 named to load at boot w/ /usr/pkg on it's own partition???
To: Mark E. Perkins <>
From: Lubomir Sedlacik <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/08/2002 20:18:10
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On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 02:14:17PM -0400, Mark E. Perkins wrote:
> I have /usr/pkg on it's own disk partition; bind9 is installed under
> /usr/pkg (per usual). The problem is that /usr/pkg/sbin/named doesn't
> run at boot time. And yes, named9=3DYES is set in /etc/rc.conf. It runs
> fine via=20
> # /etc/rc.d/named start
> so the config files are good, and everything should work.
> /usr/sbin/named (i.e., the bind8 installation that's part of the
> NetBSD distribution) loads just fine at boot. My guess is that
> /usr/pkg/sbin/named is failing at boot because it tries to run before
> /usr/pkg actually gets mounted (though I see no errors during boot and
> nothing in any log files says "/usr/pkg/sbin/named not found" or some
> such).
> What's the best way to fix this? Should I force /usr/pkg to mount
> earlier in the boot process? If so, how do I do that?
A string. File systems mounted very early in the system
boot before networking services are available. Usually
/var is part of this, because it is needed by services
such as dhclient(8) which may be required to get the
network operational.
-- Lubomir Sedlacik <> ASCII Ribbon campaign against /"\=
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