Subject: Re: NetBSD 1.6: Routing (pppoe)
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/20/2002 06:47:20
Odd, I was sure that I'd already replied to this...  Oh well.

> > > route add -host <your IP address> -interface
> > I assume that I can this to the /etc/ifconfig.pppoe0 file, using the
> I don't know if this will work, just try it !
> If it doesn't you can probably run it though ifwatchd(8)

Well, it didn't work.  I don't understand why not...  (shrug)

Anyway, rather than sort out ifwatchd, I simply modified the dsl-start
script that I used with mouse-pppoe, which also required some correcton.

  ``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''