Subject: Re: Build of 1.6 does not work
To: Tld <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 09/21/2002 13:47:13
Tld <> writes:
> I was probably unclear in my mail.
> It was cpuflags (pkgsrc's devel/cpuflags) that added the "-O2
> -march=pentiumpro" to the compile line, as the result of being
> .sincluded in /etc/mk.conf. I did (almost) nothing else except
> launching the command I wrote before.
> I did not customize the floppies. I launched the build but, since it
> bailed out telling me the floppy image size was too big,
But of course, the floppies did not build, because doing
-march=pentiumpro expands the size of everything 30%.
As for the failure of all the programs you try to run after
building, you have not described how you try to test them, or what
cause the core dump according to the debugger. My guess is you may be
trying new binaries on a machine with an old kernel.
Perry E. Metzger