Subject: Re: PHP support in webserver
To: None <>
From: Keith Mastin <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/24/2002 03:45:25
>> >Currently I'm running thttpd and it works great :)
>> >
>> >Now I need to extend the services of this server so it will run also PHP
>> >scripts. Looked around but thttpd doesn't support it, there are patches
>> >not recommended.
>> >
>> >What is an easy/small webserver that supports PHP 4.0 or can be patched?
>I was hoping for something smaller ....
Unfortuanatly, php can be a bit of a resource hog. With that (and probably
perl, since they work so closely together), you might find that each
server will use about 8MB ram. Add in the security concerns, and you will
be much better off with apache than any other web server ...really.
The alternative is to use cgi, but I woulnd't recommend it unless you know
it really well, so easy to leave your system open to compromise.