Subject: Re: Mail server questions.
To: None <>
From: Carlo Smith <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/2002 14:53:39
I've been using Postfix for two years now without any problems and found the
mailing list very friendly and helpfull.
>From: Keith Mastin <>
>Subject: Re: Mail server questions.
>Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 08:50:56 -0500 (EST)
> >Another note on the Postfix-vs-qmail discussion. Qmail has *lots* of
> >user support in the way of active mailing lists, a very readable book
> >(and at least one other on the way), and a few support sites. Postfix
> >doesn't seem to have much support at all. I like support, but I don't
> >care for djb's restrictions that prevent a single, easy qmail
> >distribution.
> >
> >And, yes, I'm still trying to decide between the two of them as well...
>Richard Blum: Running Postfix
>What's not supported?
>I've been on the qmail and the postfix lists for quite some time, and
>there are differences: In qmail, one *_must_* show unedited output of
>various commands in order to get support. In Postfix, one can email Wietse
>Venema or Ralf Hildebrandt directly to get specific support for new
>problems. The qmail list supports only the Dave Sills version of
>installation. The Postfix list also supports .deb, pkgsrc and .rpm
>installs. Postfix is easier to understand and configure, qmail has more
>features (vadmin, vpopmail, etc.).
>If all you've ever run is sendmail, Postfix is an easier, faster solution.
>If you have a lot of special needs, then go with qmail. (just a
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