Subject: QMail/Postfix/Sendmail
To: None <>
From: Chuck Yerkes <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/2002 10:13:26
> If all you've ever run is sendmail, Postfix is an easier, faster solution.
> If you have a lot of special needs, then go with qmail. (just a
> suggestion)
Useful, but wrong. Sendmail, tuned right, can equal or surpass
postfix for speed. 200k msgs/hour is achievable with fairly low-end
disks. Give me a better budget and I can get more.
That said, Postfix is arguably easier. For basic needs, Postfix
is well suited (as is sendmail, just don't use - it's
a binary; use the m4 file). Mom would be more likely to configure
Postfix right than sendmail with less training. m4 makes managing
.cf files possible, but it is still a fairly onerous way to configure
Additionally, I can get support for sendmail from Sendmail, Inc.
And I can get 20 resumes from folks who know sendmail reasonably
well. I've had clients where the Postfix guy got really ill
and they couldn't find someone else in their (low tech) area.
Me? I like both. QMail 2 might be interesting, but the current
one hasn't been changed since 97(?) and the "additions" like TLS
have been denounced by djb. Too, the license is a little icky.
Quoting Keith Mastin (
> >Another note on the Postfix-vs-qmail discussion. Qmail has *lots* of
> >user support in the way of active mailing lists, a very readable book
> >(and at least one other on the way), and a few support sites. Postfix
> >doesn't seem to have much support at all. I like support, but I don't
> >care for djb's restrictions that prevent a single, easy qmail
> >distribution.
> >
> >And, yes, I'm still trying to decide between the two of them as well...
> Richard Blum: Running Postfix
> What's not supported?
> I've been on the qmail and the postfix lists for quite some time, and
> there are differences: In qmail, one *_must_* show unedited output of
> various commands in order to get support. In Postfix, one can email Wietse
> Venema or Ralf Hildebrandt directly to get specific support for new
> problems. The qmail list supports only the Dave Sills version of
> installation. The Postfix list also supports .deb, pkgsrc and .rpm
> installs. Postfix is easier to understand and configure, qmail has more
> features (vadmin, vpopmail, etc.).