Subject: Re: Mail server questions.
To: None <>
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List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/03/2002 11:28:55
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 08:50:56AM -0500, Keith Mastin wrote:
> If all you've ever run is sendmail, Postfix is an easier, faster solution.
> If you have a lot of special needs, then go with qmail. (just a
> suggestion)
All the Postfix comments in this thread are true. As well I use them both..
Postfix is extremely simple .. Qmail is simple once you get used to it
however much
more demanding if you are having a issue. Weitse and Lutz are
very approachable (Postfix). This can't be said for some supporting
qmail. However if you are willing to tough it out Qmail is
definately worth the effort. If you don't want to tough it
out and are done reading the Sendmail Bat Book cover to cover with
eyes glazed from the light bedtime reading then Postfix is
a breeze. Hope that helps a little.
Best Regards,
/* Security is a work in progress - dreamwvr */
# Note: To begin Journey type man afterboot,man help,man hier[.]
// "Who's Afraid of Schrodinger's Cat?" /var/(.)?mail/me \? ;-]