Subject: Re: Detecting a closed circuit
To: James K. Lowden <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/07/2002 01:04:01
>The liability of tying the two machines' DTRs together is that they might
>not agree on what "ground" is. I think that could be safely solved by
>tying the signal (and maybe chassis for good measure) grounds together,
>too. But hey, I was getting a BA when the wireheads were getting their
>EEs and I wouldn't use a soldering iron except in self defense.
actually, now that it's late, i had another think, and perhaps i
misunderstood something. mildly.
i presupposed that the "closed circuit" that the ups offered would
have current flowing over it. which i suggested one might use to
close a relay. if it does, i'd never plug it straight into a serial
port, but if it doesn' could, i suppose, but i think i
still wouldn't.
i still the application of relays is good, and in the case of multiple
computers, applying some serial and parallel wiring could get them all
on the same "channel", so to speak, along with a few more relays.
trivial to do...all you need is imagination.
caveat: i don't have a ee either, but i talk a lot. 8-)
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