Subject: Re: Your use of NedBSD?
To: None <>
From: Martin Weber <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/16/2002 20:30:59
On Mon, Dec 16, 2002 at 09:03:52AM -0500, Sam Carleton wrote:
> Folks,
> I thought I might take a poll. Why do you use NetBSD?
I'm coming from Linux and am using (and advocating :) NetBSD for several
years now. I was made aware of NetBSD by an ages old comparison of how
several os (linux 2.0, *bsd, solaris) cope with high loads, and it was then
when I decided that I need a BSD (my computer's an old one, slow, and easily
has a high load in daily use). I chose NetBSD for the 'do it right' mentality,
for 'performance will come if you do it right'. I liked that mentality, and
am still happy that I chose it.
I'm using NetBSD on my (11 yr old, 4 mb ram:) laptop, on my firewall/router,
and on my three desktop machines, for all kinds of stuff (some audio, but mostly
development under about a dozen different languages [minus JAVA :>], and for
UNIX's strength: data flow)