Subject: Re: Your use of NedBSD?
To: None <>
From: James K. Lowden <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/16/2002 19:28:26
On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 09:03:52 -0500, Sam Carleton <>
> I thought I might take a poll. Why do you use NetBSD?
NetBSD is my firewall. I installed it while I was waiting for my Linux
CDs to arrive in the mail, by downloading the sets over a dialup link.
That was three years ago.
NetBSD is my last OS. When my firewall went from i368 to Sparc, the only
new thing I had to learn was to netboot. Ditto when I get around to
employing my Vaxen. I figure most of what I learn here I won't have to
unlearn or relearn in five years. So far, so good.
NetBSD is my server: www, mail, ftp, samba, ssh, talk (!). One of these
days, Coda.
NetBSD writes my CDs, edits my images, rejiggers and prints my ps and pdf
NetBSD is my desktop and development platform. I use Abiword and Gnumeric
occasionally, but I spend my days and nights writing text: English, sgml,
html, C.
I use NetBSD because I measure uptime in months.
I use NetBSD for pkgsrc, 213 packages atm. Even if pkgsrc doesn't have
every last program out there, it's got the all the best ones, so it's a
good place to check first. If I don't find what I need, oftentimes Google
points me to something that, after all, turns out to be in pkgsrc.
As a matter of fact, the only thing I don't use NetBSD for (computingwise)
is to play DVDs. I use a Win32 box for that, because it Just Works, and
my interaction with the software is limited to starting and stopping the
player. And rebooting the machine before every movie. Seriously.
I use NetBSD because the lists, the documentation, the source code, and
the web site all evince quiet intelligence. Present company excepted, of
course. ;)