Subject: Re: Your use of NedBSD?
To: Sam Carleton <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Philip=20Christian?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/17/2002 11:27:44
It is the only free OS that I can make an OSI End
System out of. I basically want to experiment with
the OSI stack.
I tried FreeBSD (simply because I thought that it
might work better with my Xircom ethernet card), and
then found out that they had removed the OSI stack.
--- Sam Carleton <> wrote: > Folks,
> I thought I might take a poll. Why do you use
> NetBSD? I would like to be
> the first to take the poll:
> I am using it primarly as a firewall. I like how
> secure it is, how the
> base install is very bare so that I can add only
> what I want on the
> machine.
> Sam
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