Subject: Re: uaudio help
To: Russell McManus <>
From: Harry Waddell <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/22/2002 22:50:13
On 22 Dec 2002 22:59:10 -0500
Russell McManus <> wrote:
> I'm trying out a nice pair of USB speakers. NetBSD seems to have
> detected them just fine (from dmesg):
> uaudio0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0: harman/kardon
> SoundSticks, rev 1.10/0.01, addr 2 uaudio0: audio rev 1.00
> audio1 at uaudio0: full duplex, independent
> uhidev0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 2
> uhidev0: harman/kardon SoundSticks, rev 1.10/0.01, addr 2, iclass 3/0
> uhid0 at uhidev0: input=2, output=0, feature=0
> But how do I play a CD to these speakers? I'm using xmcd. The sound
> is still coming out to audio0.
> I've tried changing links /dev/audio to /dev/audio1 and similarly for
> /dev/sound. But this didn't seem to work. I've read the man pages
> for audio, audioctl, mixerctl, and I'm stumped. Obviously I'm missing
> something simple: any ideas?
I've had luck with some usb audio devs, and had no luck with others. There are
a number of useful messages in the current-users message archive, BTW.
Anyway, try using "mixerctl -a -d /dev/mixer1" to find the master
volume setting. Also, check to make sure that the DAC, [etc] and main output
are not muted. Use "mixerctl -d /dev/mixer1 -w " to change the values. This is
usually all I've needed to get a device working. I good test is to play an mp3
with "mpg123 -a /dev/sound1 file.mp3".
If the device still wont work, you can try
"audioctl -f /dev/audioctl1 -w play=44100,2,16,slinear_le"
The sounds played through the device may need to be resampled to 44100
samples/sec to get them to play.
I can't say for sure if the speakers you have work or not, but I believe that
someone claimed that they did work in one of USB+BSD related lists I subscribe
to. I'd be curious to know if you get them to work.
Harry Waddell
Caravan Electronic Publishing