Subject: Re: file permission while ripping CD's
To: None <>
From: David S. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/26/2002 21:05:00
> I am setting up a machine to allow normal uses to RIP a CD
> with cdparanoia. I have added this to my sudoers:
> %users ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/eject, /usr/pkg/bin/cdparanoia
> Now it is my understanding that this will run as root. How do
> I go about setting things up so that the user that ran
> cdparanoia is able to delete the files created?
See the 'sudoers' man page for how to set the umask for the
'cdparanoia' command to 002. Then, presuming users create the
files in a directory to whose group they belong, they'll have
read/write permissions for those files. I'd also use the
"Runas" directive to make those commands run as the 'operator'
user, rather than 'root'.
David S.