To: None <>
From: yo _ <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/20/2003 12:37:54
I recently gzipped and tarred a lot files off of my NetBSD machine to back
them up. I uploaded the files via ftp to another machine in my home. I
reformatted and installed a more "user-friendly" O/S for my brother, but
when i tried to unzip my backups, NONE of them worked even though they are
all the appropriate sizes. I'm hoping that there was something NetBSD
specific in the files because i could unzip on my NetBSD machine before
uploading them and maybe someone on this mailing list will be successful in
unzipping them. I extremely need those files, as they were backups of my
website. Also if anyone has any tips on repairing damages gzips i would
greatly appreciate that. The test file is at If anyone can get that file to
unzip correctly i'm sure the rest will. thank you very much!
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