Subject: Re: NetBSD on VMWare
To: None <>
From: Julian C. Dunn - Lists <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/21/2003 00:33:54
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 19:16, Ambarish Malpani wrote:
> I have been running NetBSD on VMWare (on Win2K) for about 4 months now
> and am very, very happy with it.
Just curious, what version of VMWare and NetBSD are you using? I had
problems booting NetBSD 1.6.1 as a guest under VMWare Workstation 4.
(The VMWare virtual IDE disk is not recognized by NetBSD, and if you use
a virtual SCSI disk, NetBSD performs SCSI function calls which cause the
virtual Buslogic driver to blow up, thereby crashing VMWare.)
> 1. Can't get vmware tools for NetBSD. I don't care much for the graphics
> acceleration, but I do care about the fact that the time on my virtual
> NetBSD box get completely screwed up. Running ntpd doesn't help at all.
Did you try turning on Linux emulation in the NetBSD guest and trying
the Linux VMWare tools. I believe this is what FreeBSD does when it's a
guest. Examine the relevant ports (vmware-guestd, linux-vmware-toolbox
or whatever) under FreeBSD.
> 2. (I think), VMWare acts like I have a 10Mbps networking card, even though
> I have a 100Mbps card. This slows down my file transfer speed more than it
> needs to....
Have you verified this analytically, or are you just hypothesizing due
to the fact that VMWare emulates an AMD PCNet card?
- Julian
[ Julian C. Dunn <> * <> ]
[ WWW: * PGP: 0xFDC205B9 ]
[ "sometimes you win, sometimes you lose / and most times ]
[ you choose between the two" - carole king, "sweet seasons" ]