Subject: Re: emulating Debian GNU/Linux?
To: None <>
From: Alan Post <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/26/2003 10:04:09
In article <>, Thomas Hafner wrote:
> for Debian GNU/_NetBSD_ is still experimental, I'd rather like let
> NetBSD 1.6 run my Debian GNU/_Linux_ 3.0 binaries by emulation. Does
> that work well? Any hints, reports?
Just curious -- why the interest in GNU userland utilities? NetBSD
userland works quite nicely.
> Will I be able to run APT, the Advanced Package Tool of all Debian
> based distris, which is - IMHO - much superior to RPM, the Red Hat
> package managing stuff?
I suggest trying out pkgsrc. It's really quite good, in my opinion.
Sorry about not answering your questions. :)