Subject: Re: ISDN (was Re: emulating Debian GNU/Linux?)
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 06/28/2003 11:57:22 (Dave Huang) writes:
> AFAIK, the cards themselves will work in the US; however, passive
> cards won't work under NetBSD. Passive cards require the host to
> implement the ISDN protocol stack, and i4b doesn't speak NI-1.
I know some folks I can ask about NI-1. Let me se what they say.
> E.g., smart answering machine, as you mention... maybe an H.263
> gateway (is that the right protocol? The one that lets
> NetMeeting-type programs call a phone on the PSTN).
One of the other connection types that pops up a lot in recent
voice-over-ip discussions is SIP. It seems to be the preferred
alternative to H.263 .
Wolfgang S. Rupprecht