Subject: Newbie Question: Mailbox Format ?
To: None <>
From: Nick Boyce <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 07/15/2003 02:57:07
Sorry for this presumably dumb question:  I've been reading the
various debates there have been on this list about the pros & cons of
the two mailbox formats (mbox, maildir), and am happy enough to make
my own decision on that for now.

But ... how do I know which mailbox format my system is set up to use
by default ?

This is a new NetBSD box, and basically nobody has read any of their
mail by any method just yet. =20

Well that's not quite true: I've installed Mutt to see what mail root
is getting, but I always say "no" to the "Move read messages to
/root/mbox?" prompt on exiting.  Does that prompt imply that I have
mbox-format mailboxes ?

If so, how would I switch the system over to maildir ?

Pointers gratefully received.


Nick Boyce
Bristol, UK
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy.