Subject: Re: Something odd with Yahoo groups
To: Gan Uesli Starling <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/03/2003 20:22:32
On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 08:59:47PM -0400, Gan Uesli Starling wrote:
> Richard Rauch wrote:
> >I've had a YaHoo account since earlier this year. (Free email account,
> >anyway.)
> >At the risk of insulting your intelligence, have you tried the usual
> >suspects?
> >(Cookies & Java.)
> >
> >They might also be doing something really dumb about browser
> >identifications.
> >Try different browsers, maybe?
> Richard,
> I'm thick-skinned, so risk away... Also been quite short on sleep lately.
> But
> even so I did think of that (should have mentioned). I started out with
> cookies enabled only for sending site. Then I widened it to accept all
> cookies.
> I do have Java. And JavaScripts work on other sites (including some of my
> own). Still it's no go.
> I suppose I might install another browser...just to experiment. But I really
> like Mozilla on account of needing it for XML/XSLT. And in fact, I use Java
I'm sure that the lizard won't get jealous!
> to generate my XSLT stuff via Apache/Xalan. Never had a problem with Java.
> And
> my cookies are now wide open. So it is a mystery. I knew folks might suppose
> it an ignorant query, but I can't abide a mystery. So I tried a shot in the
> dark.
Well, I'm certainly ignorant of what the problem might be, but I tossed out
the obvious ideas in case they hadn't been tried.
I"m pretty good at two types of answers, Obvious Answers, and "I dunno."
I think that I've had a chance to use both, here, so I'm doing great.
You might try turning on tcpdump while you register and see if there are any
interesting bits of traffic that go by...
Maybe you've done that one, too.
Did you try the one where you click on your mouse while standing on one
foot and singing Mary Had A Little Lamb?
> Thanks for responding. Guess I'll put the question to Yahoo.
Good luck.
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."