Subject: Re: Segmentation fault -core dumped
To: None <>
From: David S. <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/14/2003 01:36:31
> There was a bug in sysinst that is (probably) in 1.6.1 (it is fixed
> in the branch now). Turning off the list of file names while the
> sets are extracted tends to help avoid the problem.
> Rerunning sysinst doing an install with 'keep existing layout' and
> setting the mount points yourself and skipping the sets that worked
> (it may force you to install a couple) may get you to the end.
> Or install a snapshot of current.
It's also possible, though rather tedious, to do everything that
'sysintall' does "by hand". That used to be documented on the
NetBSD web site. The procedure goes something like
Boot from the installation floppy
Get the shell prompt
Edit the disk label(s)
Create the file systems
Configure the network
FTP the distribution sets
... you get the idea.
David S.
> David
> --
> David Laight: