Subject: ssh or openssh
To: None <>
From: <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/21/2003 19:55:48
I have been reading about the possible problem with ssh that came out
a few weeks again. I feel like I should really update my install of ssh,
and probly should have done so already, but I have been busy with other
From what I have been able to read. The problem is with openssh before
version 3.7.1. I have used anoncvs to get the latest version of the
pkgsrc, and it has version openssh-3.7.1.p2. So, it looks like I am ok
there. But I still have some questions.
What is the different between ssh and openssh. They are both listed in
pkgsrc. Which one should I be using?
Also, once I install it (through pkgsrc). How do I tell the server to
start using the new version (I had a large problem with this when I
switched to the lastest version of postfix.) This maybe because I have all
my package installed in /usr/local/ (and not /usr/pkg/).
Any help would greatly be appreciated!