Subject: Re: ssh or openssh
To: <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/21/2003 18:11:19
(I received off-list, but then I remembered you emailed on list too.
So I am replying on the list.)
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, wrote:
> What is the different between ssh and openssh. They are both listed in
> pkgsrc. Which one should I be using?
ssh and ssh2 are the SSH Communications Security versions. They are the
original, widely used implementations. They continue to be updated.
(The website is or
OpenSSH is partially based on the original free ssh 1.2.12 release. But it
includes various new features and enhancements (like privilege
separation). One of the initial focus was to rewrite and provide
free code. (See .)
For the past couple years, OpenSSH has been the most popular version.
> Also, once I install it (through pkgsrc). How do I tell the server to
> start using the new version (I had a large problem with this when I
> switched to the lastest version of postfix.) This maybe because I have all
> my package installed in /usr/local/ (and not /usr/pkg/).
If your make environment (or /etc/mk.conf) has UPDATE_INTREE_OPENSSH
defined, then it should attempt to install over your normal version.
Or you can choose to have both installed. One way to make the new one
start is to change the paths in the /etc/rc.d/sshd file; for example use
/usr/local/sbin instead.
Jeremy C. Reed