Subject: non-ascii encoding differences between netbsd and samba?
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/14/2003 10:30:50
OK, I suppose this isn't *exactly* a netbsd question, though it's definitely
related. Or perhaps part of my NetBSD setup is wrong, which is why
I get the results I do.
Can anyone tell me what the difference between how NetBSD(ffs) and
Samba encodes non-ascii characters is? There does seem
to be a difference, and it makes it impossible to use .m3u playlists
written via Samba under XMMS if the artist's name or any of the song
titles have non-ascii characters in them, such as "Röyksopp"
or "Télépopmusik".
Being an American with only modest abilities in other languages, I've
never learned how to properly set up locales, or what the differences
in systems to represent non-ascii chars are; I had to cut-and-paste
the examples above. :)
Further examination shows that the o-umlaut (sorry, don't know how
to type it on this kbd, and my "vi" doesn't support it anyway) above
is represented as 0xF6 in the .m3u file, but when Samba (from Windows,
natch) writes it, it's represented as 0xE0. The e' (Sorry, again)
is represented in the text file as 0xE9, and in the directory listing
as 0xCA.
Any suggestions as to where I can look to begin to address this?
Jeff Rizzo