Subject: break in pkgsrc (cannot update anymore) ?
To: None <>
From: Laurent Marechal <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/21/2003 11:57:51
Just installed a new machine, all is fine (for now), I made a sup to get
the pkgsrc, fine.
However, when I try to install anything I got the usual :
# make
===> Your package tools need to be updated to 2003/09/18 versions.
===> The installed package tools were last updated on 2003/02/02.
===> To fix this, use the following command:
===> cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install && make clean && make install
*** Error code 1
That's fine, but the problem is that this doesn't work, it's failling in
the digest installation (build is fine):
===> Installing for digest-20021220
===> usage: pkg_admin [-V] command args ...
Where 'commands' and 'args' are:
rebuild - rebuild pkgdb from +CONTENTS files
check [pkg ...] - check md5 checksum of installed files
lsall /path/to/pkgpattern - list all pkgs matching the pattern
lsbest /path/to/pkgpattern - list pkgs matching the pattern best
dump - dump database
pmatch pattern pkg - returns true if pkg matches pattern,
otherwise false is already installed - perhaps an older version?
*** If so, you may use either of:
*** - "pkg_delete usage: pkg_admin [-V] command args ...
Where 'commands' and 'args' are:
rebuild - rebuild pkgdb from +CONTENTS files
check [pkg ...] - check md5 checksum of installed files
lsall /path/to/pkgpattern - list all pkgs matching the pattern
lsbest /path/to/pkgpattern - list pkgs matching the pattern best
dump - dump database
pmatch pattern pkg - returns true if pkg matches pattern,
otherwise false" and "make reinstall" to upgrade properly
*** - "make update" to rebuild the package and all of its dependencies
*** - "make replace" to replace only the package without re-linking
*** dependencies, risking various problems.
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/digest
Did I miss something ?