Subject: MySQL on NetBSD V1.5.2
To: None <>
From: Scott R. Burns <Scott.Burns@Netcontech.Com>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/29/2003 16:29:28
I have a NetBSD V1.5.2 system that I require MySQL V4.x on for a new
helpdesk package I am attempting to use (PerlDesk). Does anyone know
if the V4 source can be compiled on a V1.5.2/i386 system ? The only
package listed on NetBSD packages is MySQL V3.x so I think I have to
build it from scratch. Does anyone have a package already created ?
Thanks in advance.
Scott R. Burns
NETCON Technologies Inc.
Suite 135 - 4474 Blakie Road
London, Ontario, Canada
N6L 1G7
Voice: +1.519.652.0401
Fax: +1.519.652.9275