Subject: postfix and mutt.
To: None <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/30/2003 04:08:14
I've been dropping mail into an mbox mailbox for a while now, and thought
(on a test system) to try getting Postfix to drop it into a "maildir"
It looked as if all that I needed to do was specify a path with the
trailing slash, and Postfix should do the rest.
Indeed, doing that and test mailing myself produced "cur", "new",
etc., directories, but attempting to get mutt to read my new mailbox
met with little success. Am I doing something dim, or is there a dis-
connect somewhere in there? (I sent the new inbound mail to ~/Mail/,
which is already littered with some mutt "saved mail" folders, including
sent-mail, spam, and a couple of others, all in mbox format. Is that
confusing mutt? Should I make a *subdir* of ~/Mail/ for inbound, or
use a sibling path, such as ~/Maildir/?)
If I can't get maildir to coexist with mutt's "~Mail/" folder
collection, is there anything approaching a standard for maildir
pathnames? ~/Mail/mdir/ or ~/Maildir/, perhaps?
Also, what is a painless way to migrate one-big-mailbox to maildir
format (or back again, for that matter)? (Is there any kind of
sequencing to maildir filenames, so that the original mbox order
could be reconstructed if desired, or is mbox order considered
"accidental" and not reflected in any maildir information?)
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."