Subject: what does "DAD detected duplicate IPv6 address" mean?
To: None <>
From: henry nelson <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 12/17/2003 14:22:08
I recently restarted the router in my lab (ipfilter/nat on NetBSD 1.5.1),
and I noticed the boot messages:
Adding interface aliases:
ep0: DAD detected duplicate IPv6 address fe80:0001::0260:97ff:fe13:39e7: 20 NS, 0 NA
ep0: DAD complete for fe80:0001::0260:97ff:fe13:39e7 - duplicate found
ep0: manual intervention required
I have absolutely no idea what "DAD" is or where to begin to research
this problem. What kind of "manual intervention [is] required"? Should
I just turn IPv6 off (How?) since I'm not using it?
henry nelson
| day job: | |