Subject: killed: out of swap
To: None <>
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Vesbula?= <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 01/03/2004 21:37:34
Hello, I have machine 1.6ZG, 384MB memory and no swap.
Default datasize is 131072. To run a large process I
increase datasize to 200000. The process is then
killed and there is a message "UVM: [...] killed: out
of swap". And I run no other programs at that time.
Immediately after the process is killed top shows 32M
File, 289M Free.
In my opinion I should be able to put datasize to
atleast 300000 say, and run this process without any
need to kill it. For example, how come there is not 0M
File in top when the process dies. Is it possible to
change the way memory is allocated here?
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