Subject: Re: NetBSD 2.0
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Wouter Schoot <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 10/27/2004 01:10:29
Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> I don't know if a RC5 is planned, but I guess the release cycle is stalled
> waiting for the box called "" to be back up. This is where
> the ticket tracking system is, which is an essential part of the release
> process.
> is down because of a hardware problem. Admins are working
> on it, but the box is in a colo facility, meaning that someone has to
> go to the colo, examine the box to find which part failed, buy the
> remplacement part and go to the colo again. the admins are all volunteers,
> and can't easily escape during work hours to deal with this ...
Keep up the good work and take the time you _need_. Because no-one wants
an OS which has bugs or flaws that couldn't been fixed using another RC
or something. When you release another version, make it a good one to be
proud of!
Er was eens een boer. Hij had 3 koeien, 2 witte en 1 witte.
Maar dat gaf niet, want de koe gaf ook niet. De boer vond een
horloge, de koe vond van niet. Ra-ra kameel politiepet.