Subject: Re: Verizon Business DSL / sendmail-8.13.1nb2
To: NetBSD Help <>
From: Colin J. Raven <>
List: netbsd-help
Date: 11/21/2004 20:28:44
On Nov 21, at 14:14, Mason Loring Bliss vomited up this:

> I'm sure other people have encountered and beaten this, so I'm hoping someone
> can lend some assistance.
> A friend has just gotten a Verizon Business DSL account, and I'm working on
> a NetBSD 1.6.2-based server for him. As lots of sites out there mindlessly
> discard email traffic from dynamic ranges, I want to route his outbound email
> through Verizon's mail servers, via Sadly, Verizon
> throw up some hurdles that make this tough.
This is a subject that doesn't seem to go away...prolly because Verizon
isn't going away. Anyway, here's a small suggestion FWIW...

Do you know anyone with a working mail server at this present moment? If
so, ask them if they could do relay for your colleague. I've done
relaying here in Europe for a couple of friends by setting up a VPN
between their outgoing box and my mail server....and setting postfix to
relay only for traffic coming over that VPN/that IP. If the volume of
traffic isn't so tremendous it won't add much to their network traffic
totals and - as a valuable fringe benefit - banish the Verizon disease.

Some small DNS mod would be useful in terms of MX records of course
otherwise stuff would still not work right, but the small amount of
effort here could pay off for your colleague long term.

Just my $0.02 worth of 'out-of-the-box' thinking, hope it contributes in
some small way.
